Do you have vague symptoms that have been hard to resolve….ski, gut, bowels, mood, ache. The foods you choose, even “healthy ones” could be a bad fit for your body. Stop guessing, and let your blood do the talking.
Food Intolerances – combines blood with food antigens to observe your immune system’s reaction.
How well do you digest your food, and how happy and balanced are your intestines and microbiome?
Gut issues – Are you worried about having the wrong “bugs” in your intestines? Have recent travels or bowel irritability made you worry?
How balanced are your key hormones?
Hormones – Helps to balance hormone cycles, fertility, and perimenopausal symptoms.
How efficient is your system?
Nutritional and Metabolic Testing – evaluate the downstream metabolites of various pathways.
Genetic Testing – identify the system functionality you were born with, and get a personalized genetic report to optimize function.
* These tests need to be processed through the clinic.